How did I get here?
Since I can remember, I've always asked myself, 'why am I here'? Growing up in a super busy, crazy Latin household, this was a very strange question to be asking. Well I wish I could tell you that by 20 I had it all figured out .. but I can't.
I can definitely say it's been a lifelong journey to discover what I was meant to do with my life.
Everything I've done in my life, I've done with great passion. As a Yoga Teacher, an Essential Oils Educator, a Sustainable Edible Biodynamic Gardener, a Health & Transformational Life Coach, I've always loved people’s uniqueness. As I've listen to their adventures, I would always encourage them to open their eyes to their own beauty, even if their adventures felt mundane to them.
One of the principles I live by is: EVERY BODY MATTERS. I love people. I love listening to people but not in a way that goes around and around in an endless circle of boring dead ends, but in a way that allows you to feel seen and heard and valued.
I’m not a newbie life coach who just popped up yesterday. I’ve been around the block, many times over and have helped many see real life transformations.
That’s the scoop on my professional life ...