
Take the 10 Week Healthy Habits Challenge

The 10 Week Healthy Habits Challenge is a self-paced course which introduces you to Daily Habits using different essential oils. Each week we focus on one of the top ten essential oils, helping you bring in ONE essential oil healthy habit into your life that week. This course is perfect for someone who wants to learn at time which is convenient for them. 

Our hope is that these habits give you inspiration and excitement to fully receive the benefits of using essential oils in your everyday life to live happier and healthier than ever before. You took the first step and brought the oils into your life .. now let's learn how to use them in meaningful ways!

Healthy Habits challenge in 30 days

The Healthy Habits Challenge in 30 days is the exact same challenge as the 10 Weeks Healthy Habits Challenge, (above), however it takes place at a faster pace, allowing you to move through the content quicker.  

Every 3 days your mission is to bring in ONE essential oil healthy habit into your life. Our hope is that these habits give you inspiration and excitement to fully receive the benefits of using essential oils in your everyday life to live happier and healthier.
You took the first step and brought the oils into your life .. now let's register and learn how to use them in meaningful ways!.

Join us for the business builder course

Do you want to build a dōTERRA business, or want to share these wonderful oils, yet don't know where to start? Or have you hit roadblocks while building your dōTERRA business? 

In this self-paced course, you will learn using different methods of learning, including dōTERRA's world class training guide, The Business Building Guide, videos from top dōTERRA leaders, as well as learning tips and tools of the trade. We encourage you to strategize with your upline/mentor throughout the course and beyond. Our goal is not only for you to grow your income, but also for you to increase your overall health and happiness as you use dōTERRA natural solutions in your everyday life.

Oil Camp EVENT

Oil Camp is perfect for someone who likes to learn in a more interactive, community-style environment, yet doesn't want a structured time, like we meet at 7 pm. Oil Camp was created to provide group coaching and support to new oil users as well as for oil users that want to learn more or can use a refresher. This is a 10-day online camp which allows you to join us from anywhere, at any time of the day. It’s robust, fast-moving, and designed to help you dive in and start experiencing greater wellness right away!

We remember what it was like when we first got our oils; we were excited, but we didn't actually know what to DO with them! We wanted the health benefits we believed were possible, but we didn't know how to get started by ourselves. That is why Oil Camp was created! Oil Camp is a scheduled event, click to learn more and see when the next Oil Camp is taking place.